CAD & GPS Mapping
Tracing and Locating Services

CAD & GPS Mapping
Tracing and Locating Services

Delivering Underground Surveys and Inspections Across the UK


GPS Mapping

Advanced mapping of drainage systems with GPS technology for precise location and layout understanding, essential for planning and maintenance.


Subsurface Utility Engineering

Utilising GPS for accurate detection and mapping of underground utilities, including drains, to prevent conflicts and damage during excavation projects.


CAD Production and Markups

Comprehensive analysis of existing underground layouts using GPS data, facilitating optimisation, design and efficiency.


GPS-Guided Drain Inspections

Precision inspections of drainage systems guided by GPS to swiftly locate and diagnose issues, minimizing disruption and excavation.


Water Flow and Accumulation Mapping

Utilising GPS data to map water flow paths and accumulation areas, aiding in the prevention of flooding and water damage.


Erosion Control Planning

GPS mapping to identify areas at risk of erosion, enabling targeted interventions to protect drainage infrastructure and surrounding landscapes.

Drainage Issue?

Drainage Issue?


Our GPS Mapping Service

GPS drain mapping is a unique and specialised service we offer, aimed at enhancing your drainage system management with accuracy and insight. We deliver a detailed report to provide a clear view of the state of your drains, identifying potential issues or confirming they are in excellent condition. Furthermore, our service includes detailed plans showing the direction and location of your drains, supported by visual proofs like videos and photos. With this depth of information, you are fully equipped to handle your drainage system with effectiveness.


Fixed Price Drain Mapping

Our GPS drain mapping service is a specialised, non-invasive approach designed to pinpoint problems within your drainage system accurately. We offer a range of drain surveys, customized to meet your specific requirements—be it exploring persistent blockages, facilitating surveys for home buyers, or assessing commercial drainage systems. Further down, we provide in-depth information about our comprehensive GPS drain mapping services, all offered at a competitive and transparent fixed price. Should you have any doubts about the necessity of a GPS drain survey for your situation, please feel free to reach out to us. We’re always ready to assist.


Why Choose Us For Drain Mapping

Opting for RA Utility Solutions for your drainage needs signifies selecting unmatched expertise and committed service. Our GPS drain mapping and surveying solutions are thoughtfully designed to address each unique drainage problem with accuracy. At RA Utility Solutions, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of service for any drain inspection or survey requirement. Our philosophy is built on transparency, integrity, and a firm commitment to our clients. Whether you need a professional drain surveyor or an inspection to identify drainage issues, RA Utility Solutions is prepared to assist you promptly and effectively. Don’t hesitate to reach out for immediate support and expert guidance.

GPS Drain Mapping – Your Key Questions Answered

As a trusted and professional drainage service provider, we specialize in conducting drain surveys for residential and commercial properties alike. Our commitment lies in addressing all your drainage concerns, regardless of their scale. With a team of experienced and certified experts at the ready, we guarantee the assistance you require.

GPS Drain Mapping Services Are What We Do Best


Commercial GPS Drain Surveying and Mapping

We offer professional insight into your drainage problems. Serving both industrial and commercial clients, our capabilities extend to surveying sites of any size and delivering customized solutions to meet specific requirements. Our services range from conducting in-depth inspections of large diameter drains to assess their condition, to supplying data on the appropriateness and placement of drains for ongoing construction projects.


Exact Location and Depth

Should you require a detailed drain survey for activities like groundworks or drain repairs, consider exploring our drain tracing solutions. Our offering enables accurate mapping, locating, and tracing of drains, ducts, and sewers, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of the exact depths and locations of drains on your property before commencing any work. Specialising in drainage surveys across the UK, we excel at what we do. Don’t hesitate to contact us for further guidance.

The Outstanding Drain Inspection Service We Offer


Operate an emergency drain team 24/7/365, supporting your needs. Our experienced engineers are able to provide efficient solutions to your problems.


Our services are low cost, reliable and efficient. For all services we provide fixed quotes, reducing your business risk.


All our engineers are skilled and fully qualified, holding Water Jetting Association certificates. Our staff are enhanced DBS checked.


At RA Utility Solutions we have 25+ years of experience. We are fully equipped to carry out any of your drainage and environmental needs.
